regulatory and legislative

IRS Releases Final QPLO Regulations

Plan participants have more time to roll over certain plan loan offsets under the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Washington Pulse

Defined Contribution Plan


IRS Guidance

Public Hearing for Proposed Regulations on Federally Declared Disasters

Published in the Federal Register is an IRS notice of public hearing on proposed regulations for automatic 60-day postponement of certain deadlines following federally declared disasters. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan


IRS Guidance

DOL Releases Final PTE on Investment Advice

The DOL addresses how financial organizations or professionals can receive certain compensation that would otherwise violate the prohibited transaction rules. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Washington Pulse

Defined Contribution Plan


Fiduciary Issues

Executive Order Revokes Previous Health Policy Directives

On January 28, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order entitled Strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Health and Welfare

Healthcare Reform

2021 Could See More Retirement and Health Legislation

There’s optimism that one or more savings-focused bills could be enacted in 2021. 

Mike Rahn, CISP - ERISA Team




Legislation Introduced to Aid Struggling Defined Benefit Plans

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) has introduced in the initial days of the 117th Congress the Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act (EPPRA) of 2021. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Benefit Plan

Legislative updates

Compatibility of Pre-Approved Plan Documents and PEPs

The IRS has revealed that pre-approved qualified retirement plan documents may be used to establish arrangements known as pooled employer plans, or PEPs. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan



New Administration to Review ESG Investments Guidance

The new administration will review retirement plan ESG guidance for possible revision or withdrawal. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan


IRS Posts Updated DB Plan Yield Curves and Segment Rates

The IRS has issued updated guidance on factors used in certain defined benefit (DB) pension plan minimum funding and present value calculations. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Benefit Plan


New guidance for Traditional and QACA Safe Harbor Plans

The SECURE Act makes it easier for employers to adopt ADP/ACP safe harbor plan provisions. These plans have proven popular with many employers. 

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Retirement Spotlight



IRS Guidance

Defined Contribution Plan

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