Regulatory and Legislative

DOL Releases Proposed Amendment to QPAM Exemption

The Department of Labor has announced a proposed amendment to the Class Prohibited Transaction Exemption 84-14, also known as the Qualified Professional Asset Manager (QPAM) Exemption. According to a DOL news release, the proposed amendment expands the types of misconduct that disqualify plan asset managers from using the exemption by

  • Addressing perceived ambiguity as to whether foreign convictions are included in the scope of the exemption’s ineligibility provision.
  • Expanding the ineligibility provision to include additional types of serious misconduct.
  • Focusing on mitigating potential costs and disruption to plans and IRAs when a QPAM becomes ineligible due to a conviction or participates in other serious misconduct.
  • Updating asset management and equity thresholds in the definition of “Qualified Professional Asset Manager.”
  • Adding a standard recordkeeping requirement that the exemption currently lacks.
  • Clarifying the requisite independence and control that a QPAM must have with respect to investment decisions and transactions.

Written comments and requests for a public hearing must be submitted to the DOL within 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. 

Regulatory and Legislative

DOL Final Rule Updating VFCP Has Left OMB

DOL Final Rule Updating VFCP Has Left OMB

Department of Labor guidance titled “Adoption of Amended and Restated Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program” has left the Office of Management and Budget.