
Updated Yield Curves and Segment Rates for DB Plans

The Internal Revenue Service has issued Notice 2023-72, which contains updated guidance on factors used in certain defined benefit pension plan minimum funding and present value calculations.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance

Defined Benefit Plan

IRS Announces Additional Deadline Relief for California Winter Storms

The IRS has announced an additional postponement of certain tax-related deadlines for victims of severe winter storms beginning on March 9, 2023, January 8, 2023, and December 27, 2022.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance

Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan



IRS Announces Applicable Federal Rates for November 2023

The IRS has issued Revenue Ruling 2023-20, which contains the applicable federal rates (AFR) for November 2023.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance

Defined Contribution Plan


Deadline Relief for Affected Taxpayers in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza

The IRS has announced, in Notice 2023-71, the postponement of certain tax-related deadlines for taxpayers affected by the October 7, 2023, terroristic action in the State of Israel.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance

Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan


Disaster Assistance May Be Available for Montana Flooding

The Federal Emergency Management Agency issued a disaster declaration on October 11, 2023, for Montana flooding for the incident period of June 1 – June 8, 2023.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance


Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan

Deadline Relief for Seawater Intrusion in Parts of Louisiana

The IRS has announced the postponement of certain tax-related deadlines for victims of seawater intrusion in parts of Louisiana.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance

Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan


IRS Updates Several Model VCP Compliance Forms

In a recent issue of the Employee Plans News, the IRS has announced the update of several forms used to submit Voluntary Correction Program applications to the IRS.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance

Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan

IRS Priority Guidance Plan Includes Retirement Items

The IRS has issued its 2023-2024 Priority Guidance Plan, in which it describes guidance projects in the current fiscal year.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance


Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan

Disaster Assistance May Be Available for Tennessee Severe Storms

The Federal Emergency Management Agency issued a disaster declaration on September 27, 2023, for Tennessee severe storms.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance


Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan

Disaster Assistance May Be Available for California Tropical Storm Hilary

The Federal Emergency Management Agency issued a disaster declaration on September 27, 2023, for California Tropical Storm Hilary.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


IRS Guidance


Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan

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