futureplan erisa team

IRS Guidance Affects Employment Taxes

The IRS issued Notice 2021-24, which provides guidance following the passage of the American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARPA).

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Health and Welfare

IRS Guidance

DOL Withdraws Independent Contractor Rule

The Department of Labor (DOL) Wage and Hour Division is withdrawing the independent contractor rule that was scheduled to take effect on May 7, 2021.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan


Health and Welfare

Securing a Strong Retirement Act Re-Introduced

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) have introduced the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan



Legislative updates


Deadline Relief for Alabama Storm Victims

The IRS has issued a news release announcing the postponement of certain tax-related deadlines for Alabama victims of severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes.

FuturePlan ERISA Team



Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan

Deadline Relief for Kentucky Severe Storms Victims

The IRS has issued a news release announcing the postponement of certain tax-related deadlines for Kentucky victims of severe storms.

FuturePlan ERISA Team



Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan

DOL Releases Additional Investment Advice Guidance

This latest DOL guidance package presents helpful information in a more understandable format.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Retirement Spotlight


Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan

Fiduciary Issues

IRS Clarifies Partial Plan Termination During Pandemic

The IRS released a Q&A on the temporary partial plan termination rules for qualified retirement plans in accordance with the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


Defined Contribution Plan

IRS Guidance

Department of Labor Releases Cybersecurity Guidance

On April 14, the DOL’s (EBSA) issued—for the first time—guidance on best practices for maintaining cybersecurity.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Washington Pulse


Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan

Fiduciary Issues

IRS Provides Details on Beneficiary Rules and CRD Repayments

The 2020 tax year version of IRS Publication 590-B reflects the following noteworthy updates pursuant to the passage of the SECURE, CARES, and Consolidated Appropriations Acts.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan


IRS Guidance


Additional Prohibited Transaction Exemption Guidance

The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued two pieces of guidance on its new fiduciary advice prohibited transaction exemption, PTE 2020-02.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan


Fiduciary Issues


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