futureplan erisa team

Proposed Regulations Are Published on Withholding from Retirement Payments

The House of Representatives late Friday passed H.R. 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, providing additional aid to many who are adversely affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The bill also contained non-COVID-19-related provisions considered likely to prove controversial in the Senate.

Unlike the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act—both of which moved fairly rapidly through Congress—the HEROES Act has been called “dead on arrival” by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who—with Republican colleagues—envisions a much less comprehensive bill. Sen. McConnell has also expressed a desire to move slowly and gauge the effectiveness of earlier relief. Most expect no additional COVID-19-related legislation to be enacted before sometime in June.

As announced last week, the House bill contains provisions for the following.

  • Continued financial assistance to unemployed workers
  • Financial assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial government entities
  • Waiver of 2019 required minimum distributions (RMDs)
  • Waiver of the 60-day and one-rollover-per-12-month rules for otherwise-required RMDs waived for 2019 and 2020
  • Amendments to the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act
  • Relief for participants in health flexible spending arrangements (FSAs)
  • Codifying the ability of employers to deduct certain expenses covered by loans that are forgiven under the SBA Paycheck Protection Program
  • Providing money purchase pension plans the early distribution and loan relief that the CARES Act provided to other qualified retirement plans
  • A new retirement “composite plan,” with features that include those of 401(k) and defined benefit (DB) pension plan
  • Relief for multiemployer (collectively-bargained) DB pension plans
  • Amortization relief for single employer DB pension plans
  • Further funding relief (beyond that provided by the SECURE Act) to certain community newspaper DB plans
  • Aid to certain federal agencies affected by the pandemic, including the Departments of Homeland Security, Interior, Health and Human Services, Labor, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Education
  • Enhanced Medicare and Medicaid benefits
  • Medical supply chain enhancement
  • Testing and reporting enhancement
  • National strategic stockpile for pandemic response
  • Bankruptcy protections for homeowners
  • Certain student loan relief and protections
  • Additional aid to veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Federal election early and by-mail voting procedure

FuturePlan ERISA Team


Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan


Legislative updates

Final eDelivery Regulations for Retirement Plan Disclosures Are Published

Published in today’s Federal Register are final regulations issued by the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) that provide an additional safe harbor for ERISA retirement plans to deliver DOL-required disclosures by electronic means. A pre-publication version was released by EBSA on May 21. (The regulations’ preamble notes that the agency has chosen not to extend the guidance to welfare benefit plans at this time.)

These regulations become effective 60 days from today’s publication date. The EBSA noted in the guidance, however, that retirement plans may rely on these regulations immediately; no enforcement action will be taken against a plan for premature reliance due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan


Industry Welcomes Final Regulations for Default Electronic Delivery of Retirement Plan Disclosures

Scheduled for publication in the May 27th Federal Register are final regulations on default electronic delivery of retirement plan disclosures. These final regulations, issued by the Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), provide an additional safe harbor that may enhance the ability of plan administrators and their service providers to deliver DOL-required disclosures to participants and beneficiaries of ERISA plans by electronic means.

An accompanying News Release and EBSA Fact Sheet cites the presidential Executive Order of August, 2018, which directed the agency—in part—“to focus on reducing the costs and burdens that retirement plan disclosures impose on employers and others.” Proposed regulations were issued in October 2019, and public comments solicited at that time contributed to shaping these final regulations.

This guidance officially becomes effective 60 days following publication in the Federal Register. But the EBSA Fact Sheet notes that retirement plans may rely on these regulations immediately; no enforcement action will be taken against a plan for such premature reliance due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. (The regulations’ preamble notes that the agency has chosen not to extend the guidance to welfare benefit plans at this time.)

Following are selected observations from an initial review of the final regulations and EBSA Fact Sheet.

The new safe harbor
The electronic delivery safe harbor can be satisfied by either of two means.

  • Website posting: A plan administrator is allowed to post covered documents (documents required to be furnished by ERISA Title 1 plans) on a website if appropriate notification of Internet availability is furnished to the electronic addresses of covered individuals.
  • Email delivery: A plan administrator may send covered documents directly to the electronic addresses of covered individuals, with the covered documents either in the body of the email or as an attachment to the email.

First step to e-delivery is on paper
As in the proposed regulations, a plan administrator intending to deliver some, or all, covered documents electronically must first notify participants—in a paper communication—of this intention.

Paper option remains
Not unexpected, recipients can opt out of receiving covered documents electronically and receive them in paper form, without charge. However, plan administrators need not (but may) offer recipients a “pick and choose” option to receive some documents in paper form and some electronically; the plan can require that an opt-out be “global;” (all or nothing). Conversely, a plan that uses electronic means to deliver some covered documents need not use electronic means for all.

Combining notices of Internet document postings
Certain notices of Internet postings can be combined in a single annual notice of Internet availability (NOIA), including the following.

  • Summary Plan Description (SPD)
  • Documents that must be provided annually; (e.g., Summary Annual Report (SAR))
  • Other documents authorized by the Secretary of Labor
  • Notices required by the Internal Revenue Code if authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury; (e.g., automatic contribution arrangement (ACA) notice)

Flexibility in definition of “website
The final regulations acknowledge the importance of including new and developing technologies in applying the guidance, as long as the safe harbor requirements can be met. Mobile applications qualify.

Informing participants of document posting
If covered documents are to be posted to a website, recipients must be able to receive a plan’s NOIA. An electronic address to which a NOIA is sent may be an email address. If it is a phone number, it must be capable of receiving written/text messages (plan administrators must confirm this). Delivery of a NOIA by voice message does not meet this requirement.

Availability of web-posted documents
A covered document posted to a plan’s website must remain there at least one year, or—if longer—until superseded (replaced by) an updated version of the same document.

Document description accompanying a NOIA
A NOIA alerting a participant to an Internet document posting need not include a separate description of the document, if the document’s name—included in the NOIA—would reasonably convey the nature of the document. If not (e.g., a blackout notice), a description of the document being posted to the Internet is required.

Detailed guidelines for readability in the proposed regulations (using the Flesch reading ease score) were removed, and are not included in the final regulations. The final regulations more simply require that communications under this guidance be “written in a manner calculated to be understood by the average plan participant.”

Accessing and Understanding
The plan administrator has no affirmative obligation under the final regulations to monitor whether covered individuals have visited a website to view posted information. Unaddressed—but noted, in reference to a recent ERISA court case—is the issue of whether a recipient has read, understood, and has “actual knowledge” of the information posted.

Special rule for severance from employment from plan sponsor
Procedures should be in place to ensure that a plan administrator will continue to have a valid electronic address to which notices can be provided after severance from employment.

Transition relief, prior guidance superseded
For an 18-month period following the effective date of these final regulations, retirement plans can also rely on prior guidance for the delivery of certain covered disclosures. This guidance includes Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) 2006-003FAB 2008-003 (Q&A 7), and Technical Release 2011-03R. Thereafter, the relevant portions of the prior guidance are superseded by the final regulations.

Reasonable procedures for compliance
These final regulations add “technical maintenance” of websites as a circumstance that warrants consideration of facts and circumstances, when—for a reasonable amount of time—disclosure documents may be unavailable to a recipient.

In addition to details provided in this announcement, a Washington Pulse is being prepared, and will be posted to FuturePlan News.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Final Regulations for Default Electronic Delivery of Retirement Plan Disclosures

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has issued a pre-publication version of highly-anticipated final regulations on default electronic delivery of retirement plan disclosures. These regulations become effective 60 days following their publication in the Federal Register, currently scheduled for Wednesday, May 27.

Retirement plan administrators and service providers have been awaiting these final regulations since they were issued in proposed form in October 2019. This guidance is expected to enhance the ability of retirement plans and their service providers to deliver required disclosures to participants and beneficiaries by electronic means.   

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Defined Contribution Plan


Legislative updates

Defined Benefit Plan

House Passes Next Coronavirus Relief Bill

The House of Representatives late Friday passed H.R. 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, providing additional aid to many who are adversely affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The bill also contained non-COVID-19-related provisions considered likely to prove controversial in the Senate.

FuturePlan ERISA Team


Defined Benefit Plan

Defined Contribution Plan


Legislative updates

Washington Pulse: New COVID-19 Relief for Employee Welfare Benefit Plans

During the last few months, the Department of Labor (DOL), Treasury Department, and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have jointly issued multiple pieces of guidance intended to provide much needed relief to those suffering economic hardships from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In this article, we’ll explain how the most recent relief affects employee welfare benefit plans.

FuturePlan ERISA Team



Health and Welfare



IRS Guidance

Washington Pulse

President Trump Signs Bill to Replenish Paycheck Protection Program

Following passage by an overwhelming margin in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday, President Trump today signed into law the Paycheck Protection and Healthcare Enhancement Act, infusing $320 billion in additional funding into the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

FuturePlan ERISA Team


Defined Contribution Plan

Defined Benefit Plan

Legislative updates

Extension of Tax-Related Deadlines Includes ESOP Provisions

On April 10, 2020, the IRS issued Notice 2020-23. This guidance—citing IRS Revenue Procedure 2018-58—identified a number of time-sensitive tax-related actions whose completion can be delayed to July 15, 2020, as a result of disruptions caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

House Passes Senate’s Coronavirus Response Bill Unchanged, President Trump Signs Into Law

The House of Representatives today passed—by an expedited procedure—the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was passed by the Senate late on Wednesday, March 25. This afternoon, President Trump signed the legislation into law.

FuturePlan ERISA Team

Senate Approves Massive Coronavirus Response Bill, with Significant Retirement Savings and Health Elements

On Wednesday night, shortly before midnight, Eastern Time, the U.S. Senate cleared lingering objections of both Democrat and Republican members and unanimously passed H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES Act. The legislation has many elements intended to aid businesses and workers, and assist the U.S. health care system in working through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It also contains multiple provisions that would affect retirement savings arrangements, health savings accounts (HSAs), Archer medical savings accounts (MSAs), HRAs, and flexible savings accounts (FSAs).

FuturePlan ERISA Team

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